AdaptAbility Gatherings
Mondays, Feb. 3, 10, 17 | 6-7 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
Join us as we focus on changing the narrative of disabilities and learning practical ways to come alongside those with special needs at Door Creek Church. This is a great opportunity to learn, connect and grow in a supportive environment. You are welcome to attend all three nights or just one, whatever works best for you. Please RSVP by sending an email to Becca Koopmans.
InBetweeners Andy Stanley Dating Series
Feb. 8 & 15 | 8 AM-12 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
We will be going through a series on dating from a Christian perspective. This will include six videos with discussion questions. This will be a safe space for sharing ideas, asking questions and creating healthy communication. There will be coffee and snacks provided.
Senior Adults 55+ Movie Matinee
Wednesday, Feb. 12 | 10 AM-12:30 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
Join us as we enjoy the movie Jesus Revolution. Popcorn, coffee, tea, water and other beverages will be provided. Barb Van Zante will lead a time of prayer for missionaries supported by Door Creek Church from 9:30-10 AM in Room 200 for anyone who would like to attend.
POP-UP: Theology 101
Saturday, Feb. 15 | 8:30-10 AM | Sprecher Road Campus
We are all theologians! We all speak and think words (logos) about God (theos), so the question isn’t whether you are a theologian, but is your theology aligned with the truth of God’s authoritative Word? Join us for a great introduction (or refresh) to theology.
Mission Lunch
Sunday, Feb. 16 | 11:45 AM | Sprecher Road Campus
Join us for a light lunch and a time of sharing with the Dominican Republic Mission Trip Team. Each participant is committed to leading more members of the DCC congregation on future trips to the DR. Attendees will share about the impactful work of Mission of Hope in the DR, including meal packing and food distribution, children's ministry, community outreach, medical care, local construction projects and more! Please RSVP to help us plan.
A Night of Prayer: Worship Night
Wednesday, February 19 | 7-8:30 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
One of our values is PERSISTENT PRAYER—devoting ourselves to praying continually, and we have an exciting opportunity for all three campuses to practice that together. Join us for a night of prayer and worship as we come together in unity to lift our hearts to God. This will be a time of corporate worship, personal worship and dedicated times of prayer.
InBetweeners Pal-entine Movie Night
Saturday, Feb. 22 | 6-8:30 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
Join us for a cozy Pal-entine's Movie Night! We'll watch a great movie, hang out with friends and enjoy some snacks. Don’t forget to bring a blanket in case the Activity Center gets chilly.
DCC's 60th Birthday
Sunday, Feb. 23 | After Services | All Campuses
Join us on Sunday, Feb. 23 as we celebrate 60 years of faith and community at all campuses of Door Creek Church! Stay after each service for cake and conversation as we honor this special milestone.
Membership Class
Feb. 28 | 5:30-8:30 PM & Mar. 1 | 8:15 AM-12 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
Spend time together to discuss what our church believes, discover what it means to be a member (you might be surprised!) and learn some practical discipleship tips so we can grow as followers of Jesus. You’ll enjoy time with other Door Creekers and pastors. We’ll share some great conversation and food (dinner on Friday and breakfast on Saturday).
Women's Retreat
Saturday, March 8 | 8:30 AM-2 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
Join us for our Women's Retreat, "Hope, an Anchor for the Soul," based on Hebrews 6:19a. We will gather around God's Word in community with others and be refreshed with messages from Jen King and Maryann Kelley from My Sister and Me Ministries. There will be a time to converse with other in breakout groups and during a light lunch. Register by Feb. 21.
Upward Soccer
Evals: March 13 OR 14 | 4-7 PM | Sprecher Road Campus
A soccer league for all players, 4K-Grade 6, regardless of skill level or experience. Two things drive this soccer league—building kids’ character while developing their soccer skills and the desire to tell every child about Jesus. One practice and one game per week.
Check out the full calendar for all of our upcoming events and group opportunities.

CLASS: Sunday, March 2 | 10:30-11:30 AM | Sprecher Road OR DeForest Campus
SERVICE: Sunday, March 9 | All Campuses
If God has saved you, we invite you to be baptized to publicly acknowledge what God has done in your life.
Door Creek on Mission
We have a long history of serving our community, and we believe that one of the ways we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ is to actively love God and love our neighbors. There are many opportunities to live missionally right where you are, by engaging in acts of love and service toward your neighbors and those in need around you. And so, we are offering “Door Creek on Mission” grants—funds (up to $200) available to help you, help others.
Student Ministry Volunteers
Want to help shape young lives, make a difference and have fun doing it? We’re seeking leaders for our Student Ministry! Just fill out the quick form to get started.
Check out the resources we have to connect you to ministries, to care for physical and spiritual needs, spiritual growth resources and more—all in one place.
Join a Group
Connect with others, and grow closer to God. Groups are key to building meaningful relationships and growing closer to God. Most of our groups are sermon-based, discussing and digging deeper into the previous weekend’s message. We have groups that meet online or in-person.
We believe that one of the ways to become more like Jesus is to serve. We also believe that one of the ways to grow deeper in your relationship with others involves not only serving others but serving others together. There are many opportunities to put your gifts and passions into action by serving others at DCC.

Thank you for your generosity!
Giving online is simple and secure. Whether you’d like to give a single gift, or schedule ongoing giving, you can do it all here.
*Request a MyDCC account if you don't have one. New accounts are processed during the work week. Once processed you will receive an email notification.

We’re glad you’re here with us! Fill out this form to ask questions, to learn about volunteer opportunities, share your story, submit prayer requests or let us know about your experience with us!
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